College outreacH 20th annual
Colorado Western Slope college fair
October 6th, 2024
Aspen, Colorado
The 20th annual Colorado Western Slope College Fair was a big success! Stay tuned for the College Fair workshop videos, more upcoming educational events, and other exciting updates.
About the Event
Our rural Colorado students, families, and counselors look forward to meeting you in person and connecting with your college. Don’t miss this opportunity to present your college to our community with an in-person visit where you can reach all 82 Western Slope high schools spread across a region the size of the State of Pennsylvania in one place on one day.
Weekend Schedule
We are delighted to host our visiting representatives at a variety of outings and gatherings while in Aspen. We hope to give you a flavor of our part of the world while also thanking you for your dedication to our students.​
Complimentary activities throughout the day.
Dinner Reception Saturday evening. Please be our guest for a fun dinner with your fellow admissions officers (this is not a recruiting event).
Brunch at the Aspen School District Campus. Set up your table and then please be our guest for brunch on our school campus immediately before the Colorado Western Slope College Fair opens. Grab a cup of coffee or enjoy a full breakfast. ​
CWS College Fair: 10:00 am workshops start, 11:00 am tents open.
2:00 pm: Depart or participate in a one-hour complimentary activity before heading out of town.
About the Experience
If a picture is worth a thousand words, check below for something even better - a one-minute video of the College Fair experience and our rural students.
Your colleagues from other colleges/universities had this to say about last year’s Colorado Western Slope Fair:
“So well done and such great access opportunities for rural students that I would never be able to have time/budget to go out and visit. My fav event of the season! The real winner here is, and always will be, the access to colleges that you provide these students!”
"Was able to meet with many, many interested students at the fair. We have already seen some applications come to us!"
"Students were exceptionally engaged and excited to be at this fair. I really appreciate how they drove so far and were so excited to be there."
“I will say I absolutely LOVED speaking with the students at the fair. They asked exceptionally great questions as they stayed at my table for a few minutes to dive deep into all aspects of the college, not just majors, and location. This is one of my favorite fairs I’ve ever participated in during my entire career (7 years strong!), and I felt so fulfilled after.”
“Really good interactions during the college fair and had some follow-ups as a result of the fair.”
“It was heartwarming to know that students had traveled so far to meet with college reps and that makes this more special. Our commitment to them is now higher after having learned that.”