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Gap years have become more popular, but what are the options for graduating seniors, is a gap year expensive, and how can a gap year impact college admissions? 

GAP Year Seminar on March 6th, 2024, f
or 9th to 12th grade students, families, and high school counselors was a big success! Click here to access the seminar recording in English. 




Who: 9th -12th grade students, parents, and high school counselors

What: Learn about a myriad of exciting GAP year/semester/summer opportunities available before you start college. Hear from colleges, high school counselors, gap year program providers, and college students who have taken gap years

Where: Virtual

When: Wednesday, March 6th, 2024, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (MST)

Why: Learn whether a GAP year or semester is the right choice for you 


Growth: Embark on a journey in your own backyard or further afield, immerse in diverse cultures, and obtain a better understanding of global issues. Become an international citizen!

Adventure: Engage in active learning and outdoor exploration, go outside your comfort zone, and learn ways to overcome challenges to become a more grounded and confident individual.

Purpose: Consider a purpose-driven gap program focusing on personal growth, leadership development, and meaningful service-learning experiences.


Interested in a GAP year before going to college? Join this seminar to learn about GAP years and your options!

2024 Gap Year Seminar (Updated) (5).png

Find out more about Gap Years here

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