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environmental global citizens Seminar



As a student in Colorado, being a global citizen includes being a steward of the natural resources in our backyard. Learn about numerous opportunities in high school and college for engaging in and studying our environment. Learn about exciting career options.


Intended audience: 7th-12th grade students, parents, school counselors and educators.


College Outreach Environmental Global Citizens Seminar

on Tuesday, April 30th, 2024, was a big success!


Click here to watch the seminar recording in English.



2024 Environmental Global Citizens Seminar.png

Who: 7th -12th grade students, parents, high school counselors and educators

What: As a student in Colorado, being a global citizen includes being a steward of the natural resources in our backyard. Learn about numerous opportunities in high school and college for engaging in and studying our environment. Learn about exciting career options. 

Where: Virtual

When: Tuesday, April 30th, 2024, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm (MST)

Why: Why should you as a global citizen CARE?


Consider the natural resources where you live in Colorado.

Act now by taking a class on the environment in school, join a high school club helping the environment or start a club, volunteer to clean up the local parks or rivers, take an environmental summer course, or intern at an environmental focused non profit or business. 

Review college programs: Environmental Design, Forestry, Firefighting, Environmental Engineering, Environmental Science, Marine Biology, Wildlife Ecology, Sustainable Agriculture, and so many more choices. 

Embark on your career in Sustainable Farming; Civil, Environmental, Mining, or Solar Engineering; become a Marine Biologist, Meteorologist, Geologist, Park Ranger, Firefighter of Wildfires, Environmental Lawyer – the choices are endless.


Come discover how you can make a difference as a global citizen! 


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